Inserve - Hospitality Management Software is an efficient and elegant solution for managing a Resort, hotel or a Restaurant. With Flexible interconnected modules the software allows data entry at various input points and yet present a consolidated picture of all activities within the resort. A user friendly solution to plan, Manage and execute all the tasks of smoothly running resort, a restaurant. Multiple reports to view and analyze Bookings, Sales, Inventory, Purchase and profitability.

The software allows customer to choose modules as required by the business, with further customization options for each module to get a suitable tailor-made solution. Inserve is also available in single Machine standalone version and Server based version with multiple terminals


Resort Management

The Resort Bookings Mangement Module is designed to ease the booking cancellation and allotment of rooms. With Inserve, get instant review of unallocated rooms, booked rooms guest information, billings and payments.

Advance Booking and Walk-In Bookings Create Bookings Modify and Cancel
Booking type - Direct or from Marketing partners like OYO, MakeMytrip etc.
Individual and Corporate Booking options.
Tariff rate Plans and GST rates for different types of Rooms.
Add Restaurant/Food Bill and Other Services Bill to Room Invoice.
Detailed Reports Bookings, Payments, GST rates- Month-wise and Day-wise.
Design Multi Day Packages and seasonal offers, Membership Option for Customers.
Restaurant Management Module

Our restaurant management module is designed with user friendly features to help operate and manage your restaurant efficiently and ultimately more profitable. We provide end-to-end solution for enhanced customer satisfaction while giving an accurate picture of your business.

Simple Creation, modification and deletion of items from the Menu
Connection with KOT printer for direct order to kitchen & Bar
Define Tables, Sections, Assign Waiters and Captains.
Instantly generates customer orders into invoices for dining and room service both
Order entry using Handheld Tab for all captains
Easy tracking of sales and taxes data in monthly and daily reports
Customer Profile, Loyalty and Discounts


Stores Management Module
Procurement of Materials with and without PO with Vendor Management.
Accurate material consumption & issue with real time stock position
Set Reorder levels and get alerts for seamless order and stocking
Detailed Item wise and category wise reports, Daily and Monthly
Housekeeping Management Module
Facility of Room Blocking for repairs and maintenance
Maintenance updates and Room inventory log by Tab by Maintenance staff.
Rooms Inventory Checking and Create Maintenance schedules.
Guest complaints & requests saved and real time updates to maintenance staff
Accounts Management Module
Define Cost Centres for Expenses and Procurements
Export Purchase, Consumption, Sales data to Tally to create final accounts
Sales bifurcation and analysis reports and tools .
Manage Payroll and Profiles of Employees

Customization and integration

All modules can be coupled together for a comprehensive solution for a resort or a large hotel. Individually Restaturant module can be used independently and add stores and accounts module.

The software can be extended and customized for Banquet Management, Wedding Venues & Event Management businesses.

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